
56 pages 1 hour read

Stephen King

Fairy Tale

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 28–EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “Into the City. The Sound of Mourning. Hana. She Who Once Sang. The Kitchen. The Receiving Chamber. We Must Go Up to Go Down.”

As dawn breaks, Leah, Charlie, Jaya, Eris, and Eye follow the sound of Hana’s weeping to her throne, where she is cradling Red Molly’s body. Charlie shoots Hana several times, killing her.

Leah leads the group into the palace. She still has power over the structure, and doors open at her touch. In a long hall, Charlie glimpses a massive pile of gold and gems behind a pane of glass: This is where Mr. Bowditch, “with permission or without it,” (557) sourced his riches.

The group comes upon the ransacked reception hall once owned by Jan and Cova. Beyond the reception hall is a room from which three tall, palatial spires rise high into the sky. At the bottom of the central spire is a platform. Leah advises the group to begin cranking the wheel which activates the platform’s lifting mechanism, asserting that “we must go up to go down” (563).

Chapter 29 Summary: “The Lift. The Spiral Staircase. Jeff. The Lord High. ‘The Queen of Empis Will Do Her Duty.’”

The group clambers onto the platform, which ascends the spire. Charlie hears ghostly voices whispering ominous threats, and black shadows begin to swirl around them as they rise higher and higher. Finally, the platform stops at a small landing near the top of the spire. The group proceeds along a narrow catwalk and through another door. Behind the door is a narrow set of stairs that descends into the ground. On the right is a wall of curved, green glass, behind which the “hungry” black shadows are moving.

The group descends the staircase. It is equipped with electrical lights, installed by Mr. Bowditch on one of his visits. Charlie asks Leah to first stop at Kellin’s chambers, which are several staircases down. At the door, Eye excitedly asks to finish off Kellin himself. Charlie agrees, a choice he regrets in hindsight. When Eye pushes open the door, a man named Jeff is behind it. Jeff cuts Eye’s chin before Leah kills him with a stab to the eye.

Inside the chambers, Kellin is asleep on the bed. As Eye approaches him, the Snab reappears, leading a huge swarm of rats, and the rats swarm Kellin. Charlie turns to Eye and notices that his friend is foaming at the mouth. Eye chokes out the word “poison”–he was poisoned by Jeff’s dagger. Charlie lays him down on Kellin’s couch, where he dies.

Chapter 30 Summary: “One More Stop. The Dungeon. Resolute. Impossible Stars. The Dark Well. Gogmagog. The Bite.”

Charlie requests one more stop before facing Flight Killer: Kellin’s torture chamber in Deep Maleen. In a corner of the chamber, he finds Pursey the cook. Charlie helps Pursey to his feet and orders Jaya to take him to Claudia’s house. Before they part ways, Pursey warns the group that Flight Killer is in the palace with four others and that the moons Bella and Arabella will soon kiss.

Leah continues to lead the way down. The green light coming from the walls intensifies, as do the unsettling voices. The voices remind Charlie of the bad things he did with Bertie Bird. As they go deeper still, the voices are replaced by a deep humming. Charlie thinks of Elden as a child, cruelly bullied and reading books about the secret parts of the castle. Radar sniffs at a scrap of green fabric on the ground, which Charlie recognizes as part of a dress belonging to Flight Killer’s henchwoman, Petra.

The passage splits out, and Leah leads the way into a room made of green glass. There are even more black shadows trapped behind the glass, forming twisted faces. The whole room is surrounded by passages. Leah pauses, uncertain–this is as far as she ever went with Elden when they were children. She used to wait in this green room while Elden went further, but one day he didn’t come back, and she told herself that he died. Charlie knows that she has to believe this to avoid her guilt over not following and trying to rescue him.

With no leads, Charlie has Radar smell the piece of Petra’s dress. Radar indicates toward one of the passages, and Leah tears off in pursuit. Following her, Charlie emerges into a massive room whose ceiling is a copy of the night sky. It shows that the two moons, Bella and Arabella, are slowly closing in on one another. Down another spiraling staircase, he can see the Deep Well’s hatch and Flight Killer standing nearby.

Leah runs toward her brother. The light from the night sky ceiling brightens, and Charlie looks up in time to see Bella and Arabella collide in the sky, shattering on impact. The Deep Well begins to open. Flight Killer’s robe falls to the side to reveal tentacles where his legs once were, and Charlie realizes that “Elden [is] this world’s Cthulhu” (594).

Desperate, Leah uses her dagger to cut open her mouth and shouts at Flight Killer, begging him to stop. As she walks toward him, one of his tentacles wraps around her neck and begins strangling her, seemingly beyond his control. Charlie intervenes and pushes Flight Killer back toward the well.

At that moment, Gogmagog’s massive, thorned wing emerges from the well and impales Flight Killer. His body merges with Gogmagog, forming a “humped, twisted thing,” (597) that continues to rise from the well. As it looms toward Leah and Charlie, Charlie remembers the tale of Rumpelstiltskin and how the queen defeated him by saying his name. He shouts “Gogmagog” at the monster, over and over. Each time he speaks the name, Gogmagog screams and retreats, forced backward. Once Gogmagog is back inside the well, Charlie closes the hatch. As he turns to leave the room, Petra attacks and bites him before Leah kills her with a gunshot.

With the light from the destroyed moons fading, Leah and Charlie hurry back up the staircase. The Snab appears again, this time with a cloud of fireflies to light their way. They emerge back into the palace gardens, where a crowd of grayfolk is gathered. As Charlie addresses them, he feels himself beginning to change from the Prince back into his old self. He commands them to hail Queen Leah of the Gallien.

Chapter 31 Summary: “Visitors. The Queen in White. Mercy. Woody and Claudia. Leaving Empis.”

Charlie recovers from the bite, although it leaves a deep scar. During his recovery, he is visited by his friends, including Pursey, who informs him that the city of Lilimar is healing. Charlie notes that the grayfolk’s color seems to be returning to normal, although permanent scars remain. One day, Leah visits him. He asks her if she has ever been on the sundial, and she denies it, saying that this magic “changes the mind and the heart” (615). For the first time, Charlie thinks of Mr. Bowditch without “the softening filter of memory” (615) and realizes that he was indeed a coward for the way he abandoned Empis after taking its magic freely.

Leah confesses that deep down, she always knew Flight Killer was Elden. She weeps with shame that she stood by while her people died of the gray curse. Charlie tells her about the time that he and Bertie Bird took away a disabled man’s crutches and threw them into a lake. They bond over their shared regret, and Charlie confesses his love to Leah.

The following night, Eris visits Charlie and asks him to “lie with her” (620). He agrees and loses his virginity to her.

In the morning, Woody and Claudia come to see Charlie off. Initially, he lashes out in anger at them for not mobilizing Leah earlier, but he realizes that he wants to leave Empis on a happy note and makes up with them. All of Charlie’s friends from Empis come to see him off as he exits Lilimar’s gates. Leah gives him a parting kiss, and he departs to spend his last night at Dora’s.

Chapter 32 Summary: “Here’s Your Happy Ending”

The following morning, Charlie and Radar once again cross the border between the two worlds and emerge back into Mr. Bowditch’s shed. Charlie is relieved to find the shed just as he left it. As he walks toward his house, he sees missing posters with his face on them plastered everywhere. The date is February 2014; he has been gone for four months.

Charlie arrives at his house, terrified that he will find his father once again passed out from drinking. Instead, he is sober and overjoyed at Charlie’s return. They embrace, and Charlie quips, “here’s your happy ending” (632).

Epilogue Summary: “Questions Asked and Answered (Some, at Least). A Final Trip to Empis.”

It is nine years after Charlie’s visit to Empis. In the intervening time, he graduated from NYU and became a professor in Chicago, teaching a seminar on Myth and Fairy Tales. Radar is still alive, although she’s growing old once again in the absence of sundial magic.

While Charlie was away in Empis, Christopher Polley was stabbed to death in Skokie, unable to defend himself due to his broken wrists. Charlie still feels “sorry and ashamed” (637) over his death.

One week after he came home, Charlie took his father to the well of the worlds. They went as far as the field of poppies, but Charlie declined to introduce his father to Dora or any of the other residents. He resolves to do “what Mr. Bowditch should have years ago” (638) but failed to do because of the “bad strain” (638). Charlie and his father return to their world and wall off the well. Though Charlie thinks longingly of Leah, he knows that closing the portal is the only right thing to do to protect both Empis and Earth. He hopes to one day return to 1 Sycamore and tell his children “the old stories, the ones that start with once upon a time” (640).

Chapters 28-Epilogue Analysis

King imbues the final fight in the palace with more references to Lovecraft. The deep well that opens into a cosmic portal, the dark magic within, and the Cthulhu-like transformation of Flight Killer are all clear nods to Lovecraft’s brand of cosmic horror. In addition to borrowing imagery, King draws on classic Lovecraftian themes, including the temptation of forbidden knowledge and the creep of moral degradation. Elden sought out corners of the castle that should never have been explored, and in doing so unleashed an otherworldly force that corrupted him. The toll paid for his transgressions is steep: In his final appearance, he sinks below humanity and becomes a tentacled, eldritch monstrosity.

Adhering to the theme of Moral Desert, Elden got what he deserved. There is always a price to be paid for taking something (be it money, freedom, or life) away from others. As Charlie’s father says back in Chapter 13, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” (242). In the book’s falling action, Charlie comes to terms with this as it relates to his late friend, Mr. Bowditch. Mr. Bowditch freely availed himself of Empis’s resources, though he never directly harmed anyone. He tried to ease his guilty conscience by bringing his friends useful gifts, but he lacked the true courage to stand up for them after Flight Killer’s takeover. He received his moral desert in the form of lifelong guilt and loneliness.

During the final fight, Charlie fulfills his ultimate role in Empis’s fairy tale by defeating the world’s central monster. In the moment he shouts down Gogmagog, he feels like “Charlie Reade, sure, but someone else as well” (598). He becomes the storybook version of himself, tapping into the almost superhuman levels of power and mental fortitude imbued in him by the other reality. Though we’ve seen Charlie make weighted decisions that guide the narrative, King maintains the theme of The Insurmountable Power of Fate. Every aspect of Charlie’s journey through Empis was ordained by fate; from the moment he stepped foot into the other world, he was slated to slay Flight Killer. The question of whether the battle’s outcome could have been any different is left open to interpretation.

Charlie continues to come of age in these last chapters. Part of his maturation includes unearthing his suppressed grief and guilt. As Leah journeys through the physical sites of her grief, Charlie goes on a mental journey to accept the way his grief and his past continue to affect him. His confession to Leah in Chapter 21 marks a huge step forward in his character development. Instead of hiding his shame, he faces up to it and apologizes. Despite coming from different worlds, Charlie and Leah share essential commonalities. They both endured traumatic losses and learned how to cope with their grief. They both made harmful mistakes that they deeply regret, and both are actively trying to do right by others. Fairy Tale’s philosophy on morality posits that their efforts to be good people make them exactly that, regardless of their pasts. The Universal Capacity for Evil persists as a theme in these later chapters, and Charlie and Leah are both shown working against the capacity for darkness in themselves.

With this, Charlie once again has to sip from his dark well to defeat Flight Killer and Gogmagog, but when the adventure is over he closes the internal well up again and processes his actions instead of repressing them. This action is mirrored by his sealing off the well of the worlds in the shed. By cutting himself off from the temptation of ever visiting Empis again, Charlie definitively overcomes the selfishness that undid both Mr. Bowditch and the mythical Jack. Although it pains him to “turn [his] back on magic and wonder” (638), he knows it’s the kindest and safest thing to do for both realities. This wholly selfless action cements his growth from a boy into a man.

King closes the novel on a hopeful, yet realistic note. Empis’s worst monster is not dead but asleep, and may one day rise again. The losses in Charlie’s past still hurt, and there are more now because he can never go back to Empis. Darkness will always lurk below Lilimar, paralleling the way that pain, grief, and terror will always exist in the “real” world. Similarly, Charlie’s trauma and the darker side of his character will always be part of him. By having him choose the most beneficial action for both humanity and the Empirians, however, King reassures readers that Charlie learned to temper the darkness within and will continue to live a life guided by ethics and kindness.

Just like the books Charlie reads to help him along his journey, Fairy Tale serves a purpose for its readers. King’s extensive list of horror works proves his familiarity with evil, both the supernatural and the realistic varieties. Fairy Tale is constructed as a balm against this awareness, an escapist fantasy in which the collective goodness of humanity shines against formidable odds. King set out to write a book that would make himself and his readers happy during a dark time, and the final words of Chapter 32 sum up his gift to readers: “here’s your happy ending” (632).

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