
66 pages 2 hours read

Safiya Sinclair

How to Say Babylon: A Memoir

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2023

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Part 4Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “Mermaid”

Part 4, Chapter 25 Summary: “Daughter of Lilith”

Howard’s silent treatment makes Safiya feel like the character Lilith from Christian mythology—like Lilith, who was exiled from the Garden of Eden, Safiya feels like an exile from her family. In response, she leans into the culture of Babylon, wearing pantsuits, provocative clothing, and makeup. Safiya gets a shirt that reads “ATHEIST”; wearing it, she hopes to offend most of Jamaica and in particular the Old Poet, who has stopped speaking to her because he believes she is not grateful and hubristic. She no longer wants to be near him; when she sees him at an award ceremony, she avoids him.

Ife receives the highest scores in all of Jamaica on her high school exit exams. National attention leads to her being scouted by a private school in the United States, and she receives a full ride to attend her senior year there. Before she leaves, she has Safiya and Esther cut off her dreadlocks. She then goes to the salon to get her hair chemically straightened. Howard is furious. When they take her to the airport, Safiya is happy for her sister but sad at her departure.

When Lij and Safiya receive partial scholarships to Bennington College in Vermont, Lij wants to give his scholarship to Safiya so she gets a full ride, but the Admissions Office explains that he cannot do that. This mean neither can go to college there. Safiya begs Esther to pay the tuition, deferring her enrollment in the hopes she’ll find the money to go. In the meantime, Lij decides to attend UWI to study law. Safiya tries to get him to reconsider, particularly because he will have to take on significant debt to get his degree. However, Lij has to get away from Howard.

During her deferment, Safiya spends her time reading and writing. Eventually, she is invited to a poetry workshop in Kingston with famed Saint Lucian poet and playwright Derek Walcott. After the workshop, she shows Walcott her poems, and then he says they should meet again. The next day, Safiya prepares to meet with Walcott when she receives a phone call from Lij. He has no food; bringing him something to eat makes her late for her meeting with Walcott, who is furious at her tardiness. They discuss her poems, and he tells her that if she can get to Boston, he’ll make sure she can audit his class. Safiya finds the whole experience surreal.

Following her meeting with Walcott, Safiya has a renewed sense of hope that things are going to work out. When she tries to defer her admission to Bennington for the third and last time, they ask her how much money her parents could pay for her to attend. She responds with a number, and the next day, the Admissions Office agrees; she can start in the fall. Esther and Safiya are ecstatic.

Part 4, Chapter 26 Summary: “The Red Door”

When Shari visits Safiya and Ife in the United States, she also decides to cut off her dreadlocks. This is Shari’s first time in the United States. Esther was granted a 10-year visa to the United States; traveling there often, Esther left Shari alone with Howard. This has hardened Shari and matured her. Shari does not want to tell her sisters about home.

While Safiya learns that the Old Poet has died, she feels nothing. Safiya also receives an email from one of Howard’s female friends, Mama Lee. In the email, Mama Lee reveals that she is legally married to Howard; they have a son and grandson named Djani, after Howard’s Rastafari name. Mama Lee asks Safiya to reconnect her with Esther, hoping to begin an email correspondence. Safiya is furious, but when she tells Esther, it turns out Esther already knows about Mama Lee but is furious that Mama Lee would contact Safiya.

Soon after, Esther cuts off her own dreadlocks. She feels free in America for the first time. Safiya graduates from Bennington College while Esther, Ife, and Sweet P look on happily. Esther returns to Jamaica and surprises Howard with her hair. She tells him that she used to love him, but that the love is gone. The email from Mama Lee has broken the control he had over her. She moves into her daughters’ old room and blocks the door so Howard cannot enter. She ignores him as he yells for her.

The next morning, Howard stalks around in the yard brooding with a machete. As he chops things with the blade, he realizes that his firstborn—Safiya—is the cause of all his suffering.

Part 4, Chapter 27 Summary: “Iphigenia”

After not getting a job in her field of study in the United States, Safiya moves back to Jamaica. She gets a job at St. James teaching, and Howard drives her to work. Lij has dropped out of college and is teaching English, too.

Safiya applies for MFA programs in the United States and is accepted to several. When she tells Howard, he is not excited and instead accuses her of leaving him like everyone else has.

One night, Safiya, Shari, and Howard are on edge. The Sinclairs have been told they will need to vacate the home soon. Safiya cannot help with the move since she works full-time, leaving Howard to pack up the house without Esther. He gets more and more frustrated with Safiya’s lack of help. Safiya and Howard start arguing, and Safiya tells him that no one likes him. This enrages Howard, who punches Safiya in the face. She falls to the floor. Shari runs to the bathroom to call for help while Howard looms over Safiya.

Howard leaves, which gives time for Safiya to grab a kitchen knife and call Esther in the United States. She tells her mother that she is going to kill her father. Esther is frantic. Safiya then hears Shari screaming from the bathroom that Safiya must run because Howard has a machete and is threatening to kill Safiya for what she said.

Safiya calls the police and then runs next door to the landlady. Just then, the police arrive. Howard comes outside without his machete and calmly talks to the police officers, explaining that Safiya is lying about the attack. Safiya points out that she is bleeding, but Howard explains it away as a swat. As Lij pulls up in a taxi, the police officer leaves, telling Safiya how to press charges.

Lij angrily approaches Howard, yelling at him for attacking Safiya and constantly picking on the girls. Lij tells Safiya and Shari to get their belongings so they can come stay with him.

Part 4, Chapter 28 Summary: “Jumbie Bird”

Safiya has a recurring nightmare about her father trying to kill her. She now lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, where she attends the University of Virginia’s MFA program. Howard frequently calls her, and she always ignores the call.

Safiya tries to make sense of being a Black woman in the United States and how to reckon with the University of Virginia’s history of enslaved people. She tries to work on her memoir, but her advisor suggests she take a break from it because she doesn’t have enough distance from the assault. She continues to struggle with her nightmares and feels out of place in the United States.

Lij and his girlfriend have a baby girl, which heals their relationship, which fractured after Howard’s physical attack. Safiya eventually picks up one of Howard’s phone calls. Howard eventually takes responsibility for what he did. He claims that all he has in the world are his children and repeatedly calls her Budgie, her childhood nickname.

Safiya returns to Jamaica to see her niece Cataleya. Lij tells her that Cataleya will get to choose if she wants to be Rastafari because he saw what his sisters went through growing up. Safiya is enchanted by her niece and feels like meeting her is worth all the pain she experienced.

In Jamaica, Safiya stays with her father and is surprised by his appearance. He has begun smoking marijuana and has put all of his children’s trophies on his dresser right next to his portrait of Haile Selassie. While Safiya is touched by the gesture, she realizes she can only be free when she is away from Howard.

The night before she returns to the United States, she goes to see her father perform. He sings some songs from his time in Japan, which makes Safiya excited and nostalgic. The two look at each other, and Safiya realizes that if the circumstances were different and she had felt accepted, maybe she would have been able to be Rasta for her whole life. There will always be a small part of her that is Rasta, which allows her to take on Babylon with strength and bravery.

Part 4, Chapter 29 Summary: “I Woman”

In 2018, Safiya feels ready to tell the story of her childhood. She returns to Jamaica to read from her debut poetry collection at the 2018 Calabash Literary Festival. Howard and Lij are going to attend her reading, hearing her read her work for the first time. Before the reading, they look through photo albums and reminisce. Safiya realizes she can use these photos for her memoir. Howard admits to Safiya that he wishes he hadn’t been so hard on his daughters.

Safiya performs to a packed crowd, with Howard and Lij in the second row. To give her strength, they each make the Sign of the Power of the Trinity. She ends her reading with a poem for her father. After the reading, Howard tells her he is both listening and hearing her. The rest of the night, Howard stays near Safiya, proudly claiming her as his daughter.

Later that night, Safiya walks on the beach alone, thinking about her mother and the generations of women who came before her. She imagines how their difficult life journeys made room for hers. She finally feels hopeful and excited about the future and the freedom she sees in it.

Part 4 Analysis

Part 4 is titled “Mermaid,” which highlights Safiya’s connection to water: She must cross the ocean and go to the United States to find her agency and freedom, and the depth of her relationship to her mother reminds readers of the fact that Esther’s family lives near the ocean and finds strength there. At the same time, the image of the mermaid echoes the earlier episode of Safiya almost drowning after feeling the pull of the ocean. Unlike that younger version of herself, this Safiya is at home in the water—she is now the powerful siren rather than the vulnerable child. Finally, the reference to this specific mythological creature—half fish and half human, never fully belonging to one biome—mirrors where Sinclair finds herself at the end of the memoir. She will always hold a piece of Jamaica and her Rastafari upbringing in her heart, but she has also made her new American milieu her own.

In the memoir, bird imagery gives way to reptile imagery as Howard degenerates into a monstrous figure. Before he attacks Safiya with a machete, he chops at the garden, “wondering to Jah how he had fathered his own ruin. […] The one whose face snaked, scaled and hissing from the bushes—his firstborn, first in all things profane—as he readied his cutlass to chop [Safiya] down” (294). Equating Safiya to a snake recasts her again as Medusa and also positions her as another biblical figure—the serpent from the Garden of Eden who tempts Eve into eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Howard sees Safiya as similarly sneaky, infiltrating his family to lead them away from the severe path of purity and into Babylon. As a result, his attack is very animalistic—he wields the machete as if trying to kill an actual snake. Yet when Safiya escapes, the bird motif returns: She keeps her “talons outstretched, featherweight and freed” (308). As Safiya gains her freedom, she transcends Howard’s accusations and is free to fly wherever she pleases.

To overcome the deep trauma of her father’s assault, Safiya turns to Literature as a Form of Liberation. At UVA, when she experiences nightmares caused by post-traumatic stress, Safiya uses writing poetry and a memoir to process what happened to her. However, describing the attack only causes her to suffer more because she has no emotional distance from her father’s murder attempt. Recent psychological research bears out Safiya’s experiences here: Typically, being forced to relive trauma hinders psychological healing; while this kind of therapy used to be prescribed for every survivor of a traumatic event, it is now only used for those with lingering PTSD symptoms.

Safiya returns to writing when she feels that she is doing it for future generations of women in her family. When her niece Cataleya is born, Safiya decides to write her memoir after all:

This book I was envisioning, I would write for her. I would write for every Sinclair girl who was still to come. For them, I would try to point the compass forward: to change the shape of our lineage, the weight of her legacy. So she who comes next would never have to know the fire. So she who comes next would always know herself (315).

Safiya’s commitment to being honest about her childhood so that the girls who come after her “would never have to know the fire” echoes the kind of protective legacy she inherits from Esther, who confesses that she has borne the brunt of Howard’s abuse to spare her daughters. However, unlike Esther, Safiya does not want to simply suffer in silence—she knows that while it is important to be defended from patriarchal violence, it is just as key for any future young woman to proactively “know herself.”

Cataleya’s birth begins to repair Safiya’s relationship with Howard—a sweet marker of The Power of Girlhood and Womanhood. For the first time, family connection brings Safiya peace and reunification instead of pain. As the ascendancy of the memoir’s author continues, Howard’s power recedes. Symbolically, this is represented by the position of the Hailie Selassie portrait Howard keeps in every house they live in. For the majority of the memoir, this portrait is an ominous and threatening reminder that Safiya and her siblings are under Howard’s control—next to it hangs the red leather belt with which he beats them. However, when Safiya returns to Jamaica at the end of the memoir, the portrait has been relocated to Howard’s dresser, where it now sits alongside his children’s childhood trophies. This represents Howard’s newfound understanding that his Rastafari beliefs are not more important than his children. It demonstrates that he has come to a more realistic and level place in his belief system.

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