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Tracie McMillanA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter 8 opens with McMillan moving on to a different aspect of the American food system: restaurants. Having applied to five of the 21 Applebee’s restaurants in New York City, McMillan secures a job at a Brooklyn Applebee’s as an expediter, which means she’s responsible for orders looking like they’re supposed to—in other words, that the meals have all their garnishes and sauces. As such, she’s the last step in a line that ensures food is prepared as quickly as possible—“appetizers are supposed to be ready in seven minutes, entrees in fourteen” (190)—all of which is managed by a computer that spits out orders and flashes warnings when the kitchen is behind schedule.
From her position on the line, McMillan never sees the customers themselves, but according to her co-workers in the dining room and statistical data, they’re mostly likely in the middle class or slightly below. McMillan explains that the idea of middle-class restaurants like Applebee’s dates back to the 1950s, when an increasingly suburban middle class began eating out with greater frequency. Although MacDonald’s is often cited as the chain that popularized family dining, McMillan says other businesses laid the groundwork to make this possible—in particular, Howard Johnson’s. In the 1960’s Howard Johnson’s developed technology to scale up food production while maintaining quality. Over the next two decades, networks to produce and distribute premade food expanded, making a restaurant like Applebee’s possible.
Applebee’s started as a neighborhood restaurant in 1980 but soon grew into a nationwide franchise, helped along by food distribution systems that made standardized menus possible. In 2009, Applebee’s opened 2,008 restaurants, including 140 abroad, and was welcomed in American communities as a sign of prosperity; in 2006, McMillan says the opening of an Applebee’s in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn was hailed as a sign of the area’s ascendancy.
For McMillan’s colleagues at Applebee’s, wages are within the law, which she suggests is unusual relative to independent eateries, where the decentralized nature of the work provides employers opportunities to stint workers on pay. However, like those restaurants, McMillan observes that she’s never given food safety training—an oversight that’s common among restaurants that cheat their workers. At the close of the chapter, McMillan notes that even when she moves to the prep line, in the next chapter, she’s still not given instructions on how to safely handle food.
Chapter 9 has McMillan engaging more directly in food production at Applebee’s, prompting a realization that the packaged, processed food they’re serving is not so different from that she grew up eating. In the opening of the chapter, McMillan trains to work in prep, portioning bags of mashed potatoes and pasta, mixing together bags of veggies, and scooping premade pasta sauce into cups.
The ingredients she’s working with come from a purchasing agent formed by Applebee’s known as Customized Supple Chain Services LLC. Having a purchasing agent in-house saves Applebee’s 3-5% in operating costs, McMillan tells us, but she notes that most restaurants don’t bother to create their own. Instead, many contract with companies like Sysco, a major food service company that supplies independent restaurants, or Sygma, which supplies chains.
The end product of this infrastructure is that very little cooking with fresh ingredients takes place in an Applebee’s kitchen, McMillan notes. Nonetheless, cooking has been hypothesized as existing at the heart of human civilization, most persuasively, for McMillan, in the work of Harvard primatologist Richard Wrangham. Wrangham argues that apes’ use of cooking facilitated the transition into humans: With more digestible foods, humans had more time for hunting, boosting the consumption of protein, shrinking the amount of space given to the digestive system, and allowing brains to grow. McMillan explains, “We are cooks by evolutionary design; competence in the kitchen has always been key to our health” (209).
McMillan sees the same principle at work in the Applebee’s kitchen—to maximize calories while reducing the amount of time required to prepare them. The food being prepared at Applebee’s consists of meals that would be relatively easy to make at home, for a fraction of the price; in the case of one steak dish, the cost to a home cook would be 80% less than the same meal bought at Applebee’s. In many cases, making food at home from scratch takes the same amount of time as buying it in a restaurant. What’s different, McMillan says, is the amount of energy required to plan a meal.
In McMillan’s case, the longer she works at Applebee’s, the less time she spends making her own meals. As a consequence, she comes to rely on the meals she has at work, but even so, she struggles to survive financially. After her first paycheck, she realizes she’s only been paid the minimum wage, $7.25, instead of the $8 an hour she was promised while training. At the close of the chapter, McMillan attends a training to become a “Neighborhood Expert,” training other expediters. Later, she analyzes her timecards and sees she was never paid for that time, noting that research suggests this phenomenon, called “partial nonpayment,” is common in the industry.
McMillan has settled into her role at Applebee’s, and she describes how, unlike the other jobs she’s held in her journey through the American food system, she actually enjoys it. This makes it hard to tell her manager, Freddie, that she has to quit, and she cites the same sick grandmother excuse she’s deployed before.
In her last weeks on the job, McMillan is working while the restaurant undergoes an Applebee’s Operations Assessment to ensure staff members are carrying out their duties according to the specifications of the company’s manuals. Freddie gives McMillan two handouts to study, a general set of questions and one that is particular to her role. Reading the handouts, McMillan realizes she should have been getting food safety training from the outset. On the day of the inspection, a safety tool McMillan has never used—a thermometer to check the temperature of the meat—appear at her stations, and she’s instructed to use it while the inspector is present. At the inspection’s conclusion, having answered all the questions correctly, McMillan is told she could soon be a manager if she sticks with the job.
McMillan describes how the casual, occasionally raunchy patter she’d developed with her colleagues in the kitchen was what she liked best about working at Applebee’s, but that that impression shifted after her last shift, when she was sexually assaulted after celebrating with colleagues. McMillan later finds out a co-worker drugged her drink and that a different man assaulted her while she was unconscious at another co-worker’s house. Eventually, McMillan recovers, recounting her gratitude that without children or a real need to depend on her Applebee’s paycheck, she doesn’t have to go back to the job, unlike many women in a similar position.
At the close of the chapter, McMillan reflects on what it meant to work at Applebee’s and how, as a single woman earning $8 an hour, healthy food was out of her reach, a state of affairs that has as much to do with labor practices and kitchen literacy as it does the availability of food itself. McMillan envisages an America where healthy food is as easy to procure as fast food, “and where, once and for all, we could get past this childish notion that only rich snobs care about their meals, and everyone else is content with box meals” (232). Creating that America, she says, will mean changing more than what’s on people’s plates.
In the conclusion, McMillan sets out a case for why eating should be seen as a social act, not just because social bonds are established in the consumption of it—as they were with the fieldworkers who prepared her elaborate meals before she left California for Michigan—but also because the food system is ultimately populated by people, from farmers to produce managers, all of whom play an important role.
McMillan describes how working in so many jobs in the American food system has shifted her perspectives both on food and on her own lifestyle. Working at Walmart prompted McMillan’s realization of the extent of poverty among white Americans; trying to clip coupons to reduce her food costs while working in the fields in California and finding only options for processed food made her realize how few ways there are to procure produce. This combination of factors makes it hard for people to purchase fruits and vegetables even when they want to: “The demand is there, but the means to exercise it is not,” McMillan says (237).
McMillan points out ways to address this, from universal coupons for fresh produce that are not dependent on income, to cooking classes that are incorporated into public education. She also points to the small-scale, fertilizer-free, urban agriculture practiced in Detroit as a model for how to produce healthier yields that are also easier on those doing the harvesting. Finally, she suggests that a model of food distribution that is not dependent on private networks, like that of Walmart, could help ensure better access to healthy food for all Americans.
McMillan concludes by noting how changing the American way of eating will require addressing widening income inequality, so that those on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder will be able to participate directly in the nation’s food system, rather than existing at the margins of it.
In the book’s final section, McMillan turns her attention to the restaurant industry and, in particular, to the family restaurant as exemplified by the international chain Applebee’s. In investigating restaurants, McMillan carries on with earlier considerations of the unaffordability of healthy food and the consequences of industrial-scale food production, but she also considers another set of factors influencing people’s dietary choices: time and energy.
In these chapters, McMillan situates Applebee’s within the context of 21st-century America. Like industrial agriculture and Walmart Supercenters, Applebee’s is the product of cultural and societal changes that took place over the 20th century; in this case, those changes were the growth of suburban communities and the rise of the middle class, which had both the disposable income to spend at restaurants and the means, in the form of automobiles, to get there. McMillan argues that this prior trend helps explain the popularity of Applebee’s, even as the middle class shrinks: It harkens back to an earlier idea of the American dream and therefore has a nostalgic appeal.
Throughout the section, McMillan highlights another service that restaurants like Applebee’s provide: performing the basic chore of preparing meals. By comparing how long it would take to prepare a similar meal at home versus ordering it in a restaurant, McMillan builds an argument that little time is saved by eating out or preparing boxed food like Hamburger Helper. What is saved, she says, is the effort required to plan a meal, which can seem like an insurmountable barrier for people with no culinary knowledge. This is why simply telling people to eat differently won’t work, according to McMillan, and why basic cooking education should be part of a healthy diet.
Even if eating processed food doesn’t save customers money, McMillan elucidates how a reliance on processed food helps Applebee’s cut costs. Limiting the amount of produce limits the amount of food that can spoil and allows Applebee’s to create a standardized menu, coordinated through its purchasing arm. It also limits the amount of actual cooking that takes place in the kitchen and therefore the training that’s required for employees to do their jobs, an observation that sits uneasily with McMillan’s growing awareness that she hasn’t received the required food safety training.
McMillan relates how her race and gender played into the banter between herself and her mostly male kitchen colleagues, and how the idea of this dynamic as harmless is shattered when she’s sexually assaulted by the friend of a co-worker at a party. McMillan’s ability to leave the situation is a marker of her privilege, as is her assumption that her ability to work in a male-dominated environment reflects her own fortitude rather than her manager’s interest in protecting her.
In these chapters, McMillan revisits the idea that people living in poverty don’t care about what they consume. McMillan and her colleagues barely make enough to put them above the poverty line and yet maintain their interest in fresh food, whether that’s McMillan’s manager expressing a desire for fresh mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, or the speed at which McMillan and her colleagues devour a plate of ceviche, a dish of raw fish, lime juice, and cilantro.
In the conclusion, McMillan makes a case for viewing eating as a social act and food as a human right rather than an engine for creating profit. The consequences of viewing food as a consumer good are evident throughout the book, from the exploitative conditions in the fields of California, to the concentration of food distribution in the hands of a handful of large corporations, to the highly processed food relied upon by people who’ve never been taught to cook. Having established this context, McMillan concludes the book by arguing that improving the American way of eating will require an overhaul not just of what people put on their plates, but also of their wages and working conditions.