
54 pages 1 hour read

C. S. Lewis

The Magician's Nephew

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1955

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Chapters 4-7Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “The Bell and the Hammer”

Polly and Digory whirl through dark water until they’re standing on something solid. When they open their eyes, they notice that everything is bathed in a strange red light. It doesn’t seem like sunlight, electric light, or candles. The light seems tired.

Polly immediately says she doesn’t like the world they’ve entered. They are standing in a courtyard with stone buildings rising all around them. Many of the buildings are crumbling. Though the red light is everywhere, the sky is nearly black. Polly and Digory keep holding hands as they turn in circles, afraid that someone is watching them through a window. They stand still and listen, but they hear nothing that would indicate anyone is around.

Though Polly wants to go home, Digory insists on exploring. They cross many hallways and courtyards that are in similar states of decay. Digory eventually grows tired and is about to suggest going home when they reach a massive golden door. They peek inside and freeze: The room is full of people sitting extremely still in rows. Polly and Digory eventually decide that the figures must be statues, not real people, and Polly draws nearer, eager to look at the clothes the statues are wearing. Each figure wears bold, richly embroidered cloaks and a shining crown. Polly wonders how the clothes haven’t rotted, and Digory claims that the room must be enchanted.

The children walk from figure to figure. The first figures look like kind, wise, and happy rulers. As they keep walking, the faces grow more solemn. As they reach the middle of the room, the figures look proud and happy, but cruel. Even further, the faces are prideful, cruel, and often desperate and sad. The last figure in the room wears the most luxurious clothes and is strikingly beautiful, but her face is fearsomely prideful. There are a number of empty chairs beyond her.

Polly and Digory are curious about the figures and return to the middle of the room, where a short column holds a small bell and hammer. The pillar is engraved with words in an unrecognizable language, but as they stare at the inscription, it becomes readable: “Make your choice, adventurous Stranger; Strike the bell and bide the danger, Or wonder, till it drives you mad, What would have followed if you had” (57-58).

Polly backs away immediately. Digory claims that the enchantment is working on him, and he will behave erratically if he doesn’t ring the bell. Polly tells him he’s being ridiculous, and they fight. She reaches for her yellow ring, but Digory grabs her wrist and steps in front of her, twisting her away from the column as he taps the bell with the hammer.

The bell rings a clear note. Instead of fading, it gets louder and louder until Polly and Digory cover their ears. Part of the ceiling at the far end of the room collapses. When the clouds of dust clear and the room returns to silence, Polly sourly tells Digory that she hopes he is happy now. Chagrined, Digory just says that he’s happy it’s over. They both think their adventure is over, but they are wrong. 

Chapter 5 Summary: “The Deplorable Word”

Polly and Digory are still shaken when the very last figure in the row of statues suddenly stands and walks toward them. She is even more beautiful than when she was sitting and taller than any human they’ve ever seen. They can tell from her clothing, crown, and her bearing that she is a great queen. When she reaches them, she asks who broke the spell and woke her. Digory says that he must have done so, but the queen finds it hard to believe. She harshly examines his face and claims that he is not a magician, as he does not have “the mark”; she concludes he must be the servant of the magician who freed her. Jealous that the queen has not noticed her, Polly says that they traveled magically to this land from another world. The queen ignores her.

The ground begins to shake again, and the queen says that the palace is collapsing. She roughly grabs Digory’s and Polly’s hands, and Polly notes that she could easily snap their arms. Polly thinks the queen must be a terrible woman and hopes Digory has enough sense to hide the rings from her. As they quickly walk through the collapsing palace, the queen mentions things like doors to the dungeons and torture chambers, where her great-grandfather once killed 700 nobles for “rebellious thoughts.” They come to a grand entryway with massive, barred doors made of solid black metal. The queen speaks something in a language the children don’t understand and motions as if she were throwing something at the doors. The doors crumble.

Outside the palace, the queen says her name is Jadis and that she is the last queen of Charn. She tells the children that she remembers when the city was full of people, but she destroyed everyone by using the “deplorable word” because her sister would not surrender the throne. Jadis claims that she waited until all of her soldiers were dead and her sister was in hearing distance to say the forbidden word, which kills everyone but the one who speaks it. Digory and Polly are aghast, wondering how she could kill innocent people. Jadis says that she doesn’t expect commoners to understand, but rulers are above ordinary rules. Digory remembers Uncle Andrew saying similar things.

Jadis wants to go with Polly and Digory to their home world, where she will rule. Despite what Digory tells her, Jadis believes that Uncle Andrew must be a great king and magician who saw a shadow of Jadis’s beauty and used his magic to find her and bring her to him. Polly tells the queen that that is “bosh,” and the queen angrily pulls Polly’s hair from the roots. This frees the children’s hands, and they reach for their yellow rings. 

Chapter 6 Summary: “The Beginning of Uncle Andrew’s Troubles”

Polly and Digory arrive back in the Wood between the Worlds, but the queen comes with them by hanging onto Polly’s hair.

Once they climb out of the pool, the queen—now called the Witch—is pale and has trouble breathing. Polly and Digory overpower her and free Polly’s hair. Polly is eager to jump into their home pool and leave the Witch, but Digory hesitates, feeling sorry for her. He jumps anyway, but as he does, he feels the Witch pinch his earlobe. The further they get from the Wood between the Worlds, the stronger her grip gets.

When they arrive in Uncle Andrew’s study, the Witch has regained her strength. Among ordinary things, she looks less human and more stunningly beautiful and terrifying. Uncle Andrew sees the Witch and begins to bow and stutter, trying to find something to say. When he says that he was the magician who summoned her, she grabs his hair and studies his face like she studied Digory’s. She sees the “Mark” on him but dismisses him as a “peddling” magician with no royal blood in him. She “allows” him to be her servant and sends him to fetch whatever royalty uses for transportation on Earth. She says she will begin her conquest of the planet tomorrow. As Uncle Andrew turns to go, the Witch warns him that if he betrays her, she will cast a spell that will make Uncle Andrew feel hot coals every time he sits down and ice at his feet when he lies down to sleep. 

Once Uncle Andrew leaves, the Witch completely ignores Polly and Digory. Soon, she stalks after Uncle Andrew, muttering about needing a whip.

Polly announces that she is going home through the tunnel. Digory begs her to return, and Polly says she will only if Digory apologizes for twisting her arm in the Hall of Images and for ringing the bell and hesitating in the wood, which allowed the Witch to follow them. Digory sincerely apologizes, begging Polly to return and fearing what will happen to his mother if the Witch finds her room.

Uncle Andrew locks himself in his bedroom on the floor below the study. He takes a hidden drink from his closet and swallows two full glasses. He then changes into his best clothes. He puts a few drops of scent on a handkerchief and a flower in his buttonhole, and he dons his nicest eyeglass. He has forgotten how terrifying the Witch is and only remembers her beauty. He looks at himself in the mirror and talks to his reflection, noting how good he looks for his age. He begins to believe the Witch will fall in love with him. He finds his sister, Digory’s Aunt Letty, on the bottom floor of the house mending a mattress. He asks her for money, which she refuses. He pressures her further, telling her that he is entertaining a very distinguished guest. Aunt Letty does not believe him, but at that moment, the Witch enters the room.

Chapter 7 Summary: “What Happened at the Front Door”

Aunt Letty demands to know who the Witch is. The Witch is not used to being spoken to so harshly and attempts the same spell on Aunt Letty that she used on the black doors in Charn. The spell fails, and Aunt Letty believes that the Witch is drunk. The Witch casually picks up Aunt Letty and throws her across the room, urging Uncle Andrew out of the house with her.

Aunt Letty lands on the mattress she was mending and takes charge of the situation, telling the housemaid to inform the police that a “lunatic” is on the loose. She then makes lunch for herself, Digory, and Digory’s sick mother. After lunch, Digory glues himself to the front window, planning on taking the Witch back to the Wood between the Worlds as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Polly returns home late for dinner and gets questioned by her mother, who interprets Polly’s vague answers to mean that Digory took Polly to some unknown park where Polly ruined her stockings by jumping into puddles. Polly is sent to bed for two hours.

While Digory waits for the Witch to return, he overhears Aunt Letty talking to a visitor about his mother, Mabel. Aunt Letty is bringing Mabel some fresh grapes but remarks that she “would need fruit from the land of youth to help her now” (95). Digory realizes that there might indeed be a land of youth in one of the pools in the wood and begins to hope he can save his mother.

Suddenly, he hears galloping and sees the Witch standing on the top of a hansom cab as she whips the horse to run faster. The horse narrowly misses the lamppost in front of the house, but the cab crashes into it. The Witch leaps from the top of the cab and onto the horse’s back. A second hansom cab follows, and a few policemen and a fat man climb out. A crowd follows close behind as a man climbs out of the ruined cab. Digory realizes that the man is Uncle Andrew, with a top hat shoved over his face.

The fat man tells the policemen that the Witch stole thousands of pounds worth of jewelry from his store and gave him a black eye. Someone in the crowd claims that Uncle Andrew put her up to it. Two policemen pull the hat off of Uncle Andrew’s head; another tries to question him but must dodge the horse, which tries to kick him. A cabby (afterward “the Cabby”) from the crowd claims that the horse and shattered hansom cab are his and that he needs to calm the horse down. As he reaches toward the horse, the Witch speaks, telling the Cabby to release her “royal charger,” for she is “Empress Jadis.” 

Chapters 4-7 Analysis

These chapters introduce new characters and the novel’s main conflicts while developing the characters and themes introduced in the first three chapters. With the decaying world of Charn, Lewis builds on the theme of Creative Selflessness Versus Destructive Pride. Charn’s rulers became cruel and power-hungry, culminating in Jadis, who uses power (i.e., magic) exclusively to impose her own will on her surroundings. This necessarily involves smashing whatever gets in her way, whether that means demolishing the palace doors or using the “deplorable word” to kill everyone but herself. The latter is the ultimate example of destructive power, and it illustrates not only the queen’s cruelty but also her total self-absorption; her pride leads her to a point where she is quite literally the only person who exists. In justifying this, she exhibits the same hubris that Uncle Andrew exhibited in earlier chapters:

You must learn, child, that what would be wrong for you or for any of the common people is not wrong in a great Queen such as I. The weight of the world is on our shoulders. We must be freed from all rules. Ours is a high and lonely destiny (72).

The last sentence is a word-for-word echo of Uncle Andrew, but where he spoke in self-flattery, she fully means what she says. Though similar to Uncle Andrew in her motivations, the Witch embodies a superhuman evil next to which Uncle Andrew is “a little shrimp of a creature” (78). Polly and Digory were once afraid of Uncle Andrew, but they no longer fear his petty selfishness after seeing the Witch’s total lack of conscience—a sign of the Loss of Innocence they have already experienced. From this point on, Uncle Andrew is the Witch’s servant and tool. He becomes silly and cowardly and often serves as comic relief. His belief that the Witch will fall in love with him exemplifies how pathetic Uncle Andrew’s character is.

Polly and Digory’s characters and their relationship also develop during these chapters. Digory shows bravery and adventurousness as he explores Charn, but his major character flaw is his inability to resist temptation. Digory not only rings the bell and wakes the Witch but pushes Polly aside to do so. Polly serves as Digory’s moral compass, seeing through his self-serving claim that the enchantment is working on him and that he will begin behaving erratically if he resists. From the moment they arrive in Charn, Polly realizes it is a bad place and wants to leave, but she stays by Digory’s side out of loyalty. She is not passive, however, and demands an apology from Digory when they return to London.

Digory shows his basic decency when he acknowledges what he did wrong, but he still doesn’t know the far-reaching consequences of his actions. In ringing the bell, he has done something analogous to Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge; the act will mar the otherwise untainted world of Narnia. The Witch, who wrote the inscription that accompanied the bell, plays the role of the biblical serpent. She will reprise this role when she tries to lure Digory into stealing an apple of youth, and Aunt Letty’s comments about fruit from the land of youth lay the groundwork for this confrontation. Digory’s concern for his mother is a source of underlying tension, as he would do practically anything to save her.

These chapters also briefly introduce the Cabby and his horse, showing the Cabby to be brave and kind. When the police back away from the Witch and the wild horse, the Cabby volunteers to enter the fray and does his best to calm the horse. The Cabby even speaks kindly to the Witch, saying, “Now, Missie, let me get at ‘is ‘ead, and just you get off. You’re a Lidy, and you don’t want all these roughs going for you, do you?” (103).

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